Released on the 5th of September, ‘Ye Duniya Tumhari Hai’ shows notreal and Hashparker combine efforts to paint a motivating soundscape. The album consists...
Released on the 22nd of September, ‘Hungama Pogo’ features 9 pieces including an intro, interlude, and an outro that are placed perfectly to deliver...
Young Indians today have taken to the concept of festivals rather differently. Music becoming the core of festivities in the country transcends language, culture...
The last time Meewakching showed up on TIMD’s archives was when they released their debut album “Thengmankhre Hee Do Lakpa, Eikhoidi Sikhiba Kuire Erolnungda”....
Komorebi, a New Delhi-based electronic artist, captivates listeners with her hypnotic and haunting soundscapes. Inspired by the likes of Bjork and Radiohead, her music...
The Bombay-based artist has been relentlessly releasing music since this summer. Known for his emceeing skills, Yashraj’s latest double-packer showcases his break from the...
I. KyaBC Pulkit Sharma a.k.a KyaBC is a filmmaker/editor hailing from Delhi. The young prodigy had previously indulged in travel photography and random stills...