Debajyoti Biswas, Dublin-based Indian singer-songwriter, releases his new EP titled ‘Changing’. The EP, produced under the label Renesa Records and recorded at Studio Imaginarium...
Komorebi, a New Delhi-based electronic artist, captivates listeners with her hypnotic and haunting soundscapes. Inspired by the likes of Bjork and Radiohead, her music...
This could easily be our most versatile roundup yet with genres ranging from Qawwali fusion, dreamy indie-tronica, Bengali rap, and more such exciting blends...
Given the unpredictable patterns and ever-evolving nature of social media algorithms, many independent artists are struggling with their reach and visibility, while putting in...
Legends Don’t Sleep is the second project of Imphal born, Mumbai bred rapper, singer, composer and music producer, Tanishq Asem. Tanishq who goes by...