Released on the 16th of February, “Rasto Ki Kavita” is a seven-track tape by the Vadodara-based rapper-producer Bhadrankar. Being from a tier-2 city, Bhadrankar...
Aanchal Bordoloi is an Assamese- Bengaluru based artist known for her folk-soul, folk-rock and pop music. A previous member of Vienna songwriter circle in...
Wolf.cryman is the stage moniker of Harshit Wadhwani, a Rap-Pop artist emerging from Jaipur. He has been releasing music since early January, however, his...
Kinari, earlier known as Finsta, is a Delhi-based queer rapper. Her artistry boasts of being unapologetically authentic and a quite unseen nonchalant nature while...
A Progressive Carnatic fusion band from Bangalore, Project Mishram uses a sharp blend of western genres ranging from Modern Progressive Metal, Djent, all the...
Unveiling their latest indie single ‘Thee Chirakukal,’ the experimental folk-rock ensemble Gowwli is setting a unique narrative. This Auroville-based band is a mix of...
New Delhi’s own musical sensation, Green Park, showcase their unique spin on indie music, skillfully intertwining old melodies with contemporary artistry. The band’s latest...
Krameri, an ever evolving genre-fluid act, is a duo (with Gopi Krishnan) turned solo venture of Gujarat born singer-songwriter and producer Damini Chauhan. Her...