Renowned for his eclectic fusion of cinematic sounds, alternative rock, indie pop, and electronic music, Ashish Zachariah continues to redefine musical boundaries with his...
In the vibrant landscape of the South Indian music industry, where film soundtracks and mainstream pop often dominate the scene, Think Indie has emerged...
Tech Panda and Kenzani are a contemporary producer duo from New Delhi known for their music that spans diverse sounds and decades. Their latest 21-track album ‘Tijori,’ sees...
Ghabhraahat Intensifies from Delhi returns 2 years later with their latest album, “Shab-E-Ghabhraahat,” with an immersive 10-track Alt Hip Hop album. Its visually stimulating...
From 2000’s pop-rock to soulful RnB, this roundup brings on all kinds of vibes. From artists nationwide, this specially curated playlist shows you the...