ASTERISM, the Japanese rock trio hailing from Fukuoka, has been making waves worldwide with their youth-infused, high-energy instrumentals and extraordinary technical prowess. Formed in...
The Indian Choral Ensemble isn’t a regular chorus group. The Chennai-based outfit led by Kalyani Nair and Karthik Manickavasakam is a diverse group of...
Indore-based Ashwin Adwani is a singer-songwriter whose music combines elements of mainstream culture from today with classical Indian music which gives the artist the...
Tech Panda and Kenzani are a contemporary producer duo from New Delhi known for their music that spans diverse sounds and decades. Their latest 21-track album ‘Tijori,’ sees...
Siegen, better known as The Siege, is one of the most celebrated and prominent artists from the Underground Hip-Hop scene. The Mira-road-based rapper has...
Aarya is a singer-songwriter based in Mumbai who draws his influence across various genres of music. He was also part of the Bacardi House Party Sessions in...
A 24-year-old singer songwriter from Pune, Kashmira Khot grew up with an Indian classical background. Influenced by classic pop and rock, her lyrical content...