Mumbai-based singer-songwriter, Raghav Meattle, has released a new single titled ‘Back to the known’, a live version from the track from his performance at Mumbai’s...
In February 2020, Delhi based rock act Kapow! released their debut self-titled EP with their launch gig being something that’s never been seen before...
After recently collaborating on a single with Zariya, Pune based music producer, sound engineer, and vocalist – Aseem releases his debut EP Ilaaj. This four-song EP...
Adi is an independent, up-and-coming hip-hop artist born and raised in Bombay, India, but who currently spends his time exploring the music business in...
A well-known face in the metal circuit, having been part of multiple bands such as Dead Exaltation, KillKount, Adamantium and Schwa, Mradul Singhal is...
Rohan Solomon is a singer-songwriter, composer, vocal coach and audio engineer, all rolled into one. Well-known in the Indian Indie Circles as the vocalist...
As a much-needed, endearing respite from the lockdown blues, city based independent singer-songwriter Nikhil D’Souza just launched a soothing yet upbeat melody from his...
Delhi based singer-songwriter, Dhruv Kapoor released his 4-song debut EP Heartbreak Paradise last month. Kapoor gained inspiration for his EP from his own life experiences,...