At just 18, Shriya, a Mumbai-based singer-songwriter, has created an intimate, strikingly personal world in her debut EP, In A Box. This four-track collection...
When I meet Dolinman, or more formally, Diptanshu Roy, in his 300 year old near-palatial home in Calcutta, in which he houses countless instruments,...
Bhrigu Sahni’s Awakening stands out as a deeply personal journey into sound, inviting listeners to experience something more than just music. Coming from Pune,...
Mumbai-based electronic artist Shadaab Kadri, known as Riatsu, joins forces with Denver-based trumpeter Joshua Trinidad to deliver their latest project, Resurgence. This 6-track album...
When you think of Palakkad, Kerala, you might imagine serene paddy fields, warm sunny afternoons, and a rich cultural tapestry. But hold that thought—because...
Mumbai-based singer-songwriter Akanksha Bhandari has firmly established herself as a standout figure in India’s independent music scene, celebrated for her soulful singles and viral...
Mumbai-based artist Shreya Jain’s latest EP, Bawari, is a captivating blend of her classical Hindustani roots and her modern independent artistry. Collaborating with Juno,...
Renowned for his eclectic fusion of cinematic sounds, alternative rock, indie pop, and electronic music, Ashish Zachariah continues to redefine musical boundaries with his...