ASTERISM, the Japanese rock trio hailing from Fukuoka, has been making waves worldwide with their youth-infused, high-energy instrumentals and extraordinary technical prowess. Formed in...
Harshit Misra aka Hashbass, multi-instrumentalist and producer based in Delhi, is a well-known name in the music circuit. Having played with various notable names...
Aditi Ramesh, Jazz/Blue carnatic vocalist, and songwriter based in Mumbai, released her latest EP Leftovers, a compilation of the songs she had written in...
ICONYK (a.k.a Nikhil Malik), Mumbai/LA based pop-rap producer, multi-instrumentalist and DJ, released his debut track ‘Fallin’ in May this year. ‘Fallin’ got featured in...
#TIMDxMixtape “Things will start to change when big festivals and promoters start to give equal opportunities to women, otherwise female artists will remain ‘underground’.”...