Released on the 16th of February, “Rasto Ki Kavita” is a seven-track tape by the Vadodara-based rapper-producer Bhadrankar. Being from a tier-2 city, Bhadrankar...
Wolf.cryman is the stage moniker of Harshit Wadhwani, a Rap-Pop artist emerging from Jaipur. He has been releasing music since early January, however, his...
Kinari, earlier known as Finsta, is a Delhi-based queer rapper. Her artistry boasts of being unapologetically authentic and a quite unseen nonchalant nature while...
Released on the 12th of January, ‘Player NO. 1’ by Bagi Munda is the Chandigarh-based rapper’s newest rendition and method in making commercial music....
Released on the 11th of November, ‘Taadkefaad’ is a vigorous project consisting of three tracks that last for 8 minutes. The Mumbai-based rapper The...
The Delhi-based underground artist is known for his unique musicality and perspectives in music. His debut project ‘Madheera’, still is one of the finest...